About Elements

Creating technology to support society
for a beautiful future

TANAKA is a precious metals specialist that excels at delivering innovation to the world that brings value to society. “Elements” is an online media circulated by TANAKA Precious Metals that focuses on technology and sustainability information in line with the business and values of the company. It provides hints for creating a better society and prosperous earth for the future in response to the rapid paradigm shift of the modern world.


A media for disseminating
information about technology to
support society for a beautiful future.

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Precious Metal Materials And The Future Of Vehicles / Safety and Comfort

Tanaka’s various precious metal materials are also used in parts related to automobile safety and reliability, such as autonomous driving.
The situation around automobiles is facing A once-in-a-hundred-years turning point.
We will continue to meet the needs of automobile development and manufacturing with precious metal materials of the highest possible quality.