Aiming to Establish a Sound Material-cycle Society
“Proof of Trust and Reliability” and “Responsible Mineral Management Policy”
Statement on Carbon Neutrality
TANAKA has continuously recycled precious metals since its founding. Today, all employees engage in the recovery of the bullion under the slogan "Any bullion is Money" and even trace amounts of bullion attached to uniforms, etc., in addition to bullion in production facilities, are carefully recovered. In the TANAKA Renaissance Plan, which is a new medium-term plan initiated in fiscal 2021, we reorganized our activities in the three fields of direct materials, indirect materials and industrial waste to enhance our measures to establish a sound material-cycle society and realize a Circular Economy.
New mining of precious metals is eliminated, reducing the environmental load and facilitating sustainable, efficient use. Products using RE Series materials will contribute to building a recycling-oriented society.
The RE Series consists of precious metals refined from only production scraps and recycled materials from urban mines. TANAKA PRECIOUS METAL TECHNOLOGIES has been recycling precious metals since it was established. Itis expanding its RE Series production lines and will continue to provide products using only 100% recycled precious metal materials.
TANAKA was appointed as Good Delivery Referee※1for gold and silver by the LBMA※2in 2003, and for platinum and palladium by the LPPM※3in 2009, and is the only one official recognition company in Japan and Asia out of the five companies in the world.
In 2012, TANAKA was upgraded to “Ordinary Member” as a result of esteem by LBMA concerning our achievement as a referee.
TANAKA is the first Japanese company accredited the ISO/IEC 17025 certification for the analytical techniques of Platinum, Gold, Silver and Palladium.
TANAKA is committed to undertaking corporate social responsibility initiatives. As part of the commitment, it implements measures to achieve responsible mineral procurement taking human rights, the environment and ethics into account. TANAKA undertakes responsible mineral procurement in order to reasonably assure that it is not involved in human rights abuses including child labor, terrorist financing, money laundering, unfair dealings, conflicts, or environmental destruction in high risk areas including conflict-affected. TANAKA conducts risk assessments (due diligence) of the supply chain for the tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold (known as “3TG” or “conflict minerals” ) and cobalt as well as other minerals used in its products and discloses measures and results of the due diligence according to customer's request.
In April 2022, we made TANAKA Statement on Carbon Neutrality to declare that we aim to make our CO₂ emissions net zero in 2050.
TANAKA will take on the challenge of addressing global warming, a social issue with a global scale, through aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and actively introducing within the Group and in society technologies that contribute to a decarbonized society. To reduce greenhouse gases arising from business activities, we will continuously undertake emission reduction activities—such as increasing energy efficiency, improving manufacturing processes, and adopting the use of green energy—at our plants and offices. At the same time, we will provide products that meet the expectations of customers working toward a decarbonized society, including catalysts that contribute toward greenhouse gas reduction and high-performance materials such as those used in electric vehicles. We will also strengthen our precious metal recycling business to contribute toward a circular economy, thereby creating a prosperous and sustainable future for the Earth with our own hands.
In addition, we will look at tree-planting and activities to preserve forest rejuvenation such as the creation of TANAKA Forest. TANAKA aims to achieve carbon neutrality through these activities.
In fiscal 2022, we will form a company-wide project team, Operation Polaris, directly controlled by myself to consider and implement specific measures. Going forward, TANAKA will continue to provide value to customers and society as a whole through products and solutions that apply the unique characteristics of precious metals.
April 25, 2022
Representative Director & CEO
Koichiro Tanaka