Precious Metal Elements

Ruthenium[ Atomic number44 Atomic weight101.07 ]
Used as an optical catalyst to reduce water to hydrogen. Enables increased storage capacity for hard disks.
Maybe I’m not very skilful, but thanks to me there have been huge gains in storage capacity of hard disks lately. Ahem!

Ru | Ruthenium | |
Atomic number | 44 | |
Atomic weight | 101.07 | |
Isotope | 96Ru, 98Ru, 99Ru, 100Ru, 101Ru, 102Ru, 104Ru | |
Crystal Structure | hcp (c/a<1.63) | |
Metallicity | Trans.Metal | |
Shell | 2,8,18,15,1 | |
Filling Orbital | 4d7 | |
Oxidation States | 2,3,4,6,8 | |
Atomic Radius | Å | 1.33 |
Covalent Radius | Å | 1.25 |
Atomic Volume | cm3/mol | 8.3 |
Density at 293K | g/cm3 | 12.41 |
Melting Point | ℃ | 2250 |
Boiling Point | ℃ | 4155 |
Specific Heat | J/gK | 0.238 |
Heat of Fusion | kJ/mol | 21.50 |
Heat of Vaporization | kJ/mol | 493.0 |
Thermal Conductivity at 273K | W/mK | 150 |
Specific Resistance at 273K | 10-6 Ωcm | 7.6 |
Coefficient of Linear expansion at 293K | 10-6 K-1 | 8.2 |
Ionization Potential | V | 7.36050 |
2nd Ionization Potential | V | 16.76 |
Electron Affinity | eV | 1.05 |
Electronegativity | 2.2 | |
Discovery | year | 1844 |