TANAKA Precious Metals Joins Kawasaki Carbon Neutral Industrial Complex Formation Promotion Council and Kawasaki Port Carbon Neutral Port Formation Promotion Council

~Contributing to the Development of a Carbon Neutral Society through Hydrogen-Related Business~

March 15, 2024

TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. announces that the TANAKA Precious Metals Group has joined the Kawasaki Carbon Neutral Industrial Complex Formation Promotion Council and the Kawasaki Carbon Neutral Port Formation Promotion Council organized by Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture.

The TANAKA Precious Metals Group has a production plant in Kanagawa Prefecture and has been developing electrode catalysts for fuel cells since the 1980s. In 2013, the Group opened the FC Catalyst Development Center as a special-purpose plant that researches and provides stable supplies of precious metal catalysts.

Kawasaki City established the Kawasaki Hydrogen Strategy for the Realization of a Hydrogen Society in 2015 and is an advanced hydrogen city implementing various demonstration projects in cooperation with involved companies. The city formulated the Kawasaki Carbon Neutral Industrial Complex Concept in March 2022, established the Promotion Council for the industrial complex in May 2022, and is currently working toward the creation of a carbon neutral energy supply base centered on hydrogen.

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