Osmium, Os [ Ordnungszahl: 76, Atommasse: 190,23 ]
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Neulich haben alle gesagt, dass ich rieche wie ein alter Mann und sind vor mir weggelaufen. Das hat mich schon traurig gemacht. Ob ich denn wirklich so sehr rieche?

Os | Osmium, Os | |
Atomic number | 76 | |
Atomic weight | 190.23 | |
Isotope | 184Os, 186Os, 187Os, 188Os 189Os, 190Os, 191Os | |
Crystal Structure | hcp (c/a<1.63) | |
Metallicity | Trans.Metal | |
Shell | 2,8,18,32,14,2 | |
Filling Orbital | 5d6 | |
Oxidation States | 2,3,4,6,8 | |
Atomic Radius | Å | 1.92 |
Covalent Radius | Å | 1.26 |
Atomic Volume | cm3/mol | 8.49 |
Density at 293K | g/cm3 | 22.57 |
Melting Point | ℃ | 3045 |
Boiling Point | ℃ | 5012 |
Specific Heat | J/gK | 0.13 |
Heat of Fusion | kJ/mol | 31.80 |
Heat of Vaporization | kJ/mol | 746.0 |
Thermal Conductivity at 273K | W/mK | 87 |
Specific Resistance at 273K | 10-6 Ωcm | 8.1 |
Coefficient of Linear expansion at 293K | 10-6 K-1 | 4.7 |
Ionization Potential | V | 8.43823 |
2nd Ionization Potential | V | |
Electron Affinity | eV | 1.1 |
Electronegativity | 2.2 | |
Discovery | year | 1804 |