Gold Colloids

Medical Uses

Gold Colloids

TANAKA offers high-quality products with prompt and thorough support.

By our own proprietary synthesis processes, we supply qualified gold nano particles for rapid diagnostics and biosensors, which we supply using a high quality management system.

Gold-Citric Acid Colloidal Solution


  • Colloid solution in which nanosized gold particles are dispersed
  • Spherical gold particles with high-purity and a narrow particle size distribution
  • Easy to modify gold particle surfaces
  • Colloids can be supplied in the quantity and in the time required as they are manufactured in Japan
  • Colloids can be supplied at a stable level of quality with little variation between lots
Gold-Citric Acid Colloid 15nm


Gold-Citric Acid Colloid 30nm


Gold-Citric Acid Colloid 40nm


Gold-Citric Acid Colloid 50nm


Gold-Citric Acid Colloid 80nm


Gold-Citric Acid Colloid 100nm



Gold-citric acid colloidal solution is used in in-vitro diagnostic and other test kits.
It is ideal for use in test reagents, biomarkers, X-ray identification markers, etc.

Typical characteristics

Au colloid solution-SC
Particle size
Solvent Color Shape Particle size range Gold content (Wt%) pH
5 Water Light orange

Dark red
10% or less in relation
to the particle size
0.004~0.005 4.5
15 0.006~0.007 5.5
20 5
30 4
40 3.5
50 3
60 3
80 3
100 3
150 3
[Absorbance comparison graph] 5nmΦ~100nmΦ


[Au particle size comparison graph] 5nmΦ~100nmΦ

Au particle size