Bonding Wires

Bonding Wires

About TANAKA ELECTRONICS, Supporting the Semiconductor Industry

Creation of a New Business Starting From Bonding Wires

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Bonding wire product image

World’s Largest Provider(*)
TANAKA’s Bonding Wires

TANAKA offers bonding wires and ribbons, such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), copper (Cu), and aluminum (Al) ultra-fine wires (10 to 38µm) as metal bonding materials and thick wires (100 to 500um) for power devices. Wires with smooth and clean surfaces that have excellent dimensional stability are provided together with solutions that include expertise on metal bonds.

  • (*)Source: SEMI Industry Research and Statistics/TECHCET, April 2020

List of Types

  Wire Type
Thick Wire Fine Wire Coated Wire Ribbon
Wire Material Gold Au Thick Wire Au Fine Wire Au Ribbon
Silver Ag Thick Wire Ag Fine Wire Ag Ribbon
Copper Cu Thick Wire Cu Fine Wire Cu Pd-Coated Wire Cu Ribbon
Aluminum Al Thick Wire Al Fine Wire Al Ribbon

* Please inquire regarding product and development items for which detailed information is not provided on this site.

Results of wire and bonded material combinations

  Bonding Bonded Material
Al Au/Pd/Ni
Wire Au/Au Alloy Ball bonding ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ☆☆☆ ★☆☆
PCC Ball bonding ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ☆☆☆ ★☆☆
Cu/Cu Alloy Ball bonding ★★★ ★☆☆ ★★★ ☆☆☆ ★☆☆
Ag Alloy Ball bonding ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆
Cu Wedge bonding ★☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ★☆☆ ★★★
Al Wedge bonding ★★★ ★☆☆ ☆☆☆ ★★★ ★★☆

★: Based on combinations of market results known to us.
★★★  Considerable results in the market
★★☆  Results in the market
★☆☆  Almost no results in the market
☆☆☆  No results in the market

Gold and Gold Alloy Bonding Wires

Gold and Gold Alloy Bonding Wires

More than 50 Years of Trust and Experience

Gold (Au) and gold alloy bonding wires with high performance continue to support the semiconductor industry. They boast chemical stability and excellent electrical conductivity not found in other metals. Through material development, we can achieve functions such as fine pitch and low loop while maintaining high purity.

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Silver Alloy Bonding Wires

Silver Alloy Bonding Wires

Giving Form to the Technologies of a precious Metal Maker

Silver (Ag) alloy bonding wires have excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. They are also effective wires for optical semiconductor devices such as LEDs as they have high reflectivity in the visible spectrum. In addition, as an alternative material for gold (Au) wires, costs can be reduced by approximately 80%.

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Copper and Copper Alloy Bonding Wires

Copper and Copper Alloy Bonding Wires

The best product to reduce costs.

TANAKA offers high-purity copper (Cu) ultra-fine wires (down to 15um) of oxygen-free copper grade as well as palladium (Pd) coated copper wire (PCC) added with oxidation resistance through precious metal coating. Costs can be reduced by approximately 90% compared to expensive gold (Au) wires.

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Aluminum and Copper Bonding Wires for Power Devices

Aluminum and Copper Bonding Wires for Power Devices

The Standard for Power Devices

TANAKA ELECTRONICS offers high-purity aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu) bonding wires (100 to 500µm) and ribbons (width 0.5 to 2.0mm) with excellent surface properties of automotive grade. As aluminum has excellent moisture resistance , it is often used in power device applications that drive high currents under harsh environments. We also have wires for power devices that use copper, which has even better electrical conductivity.

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Stadards of Spool for Bonding Wire

For Fine Bonding Wire

Type Material A B C D E F
AL-2 Aluminum 58.5 48.8 50.3 0.75 26.4 27.9
AL-4 58.5 48.8 50.3 0.75 45.5 47

For Wire and Ribon for Power Devices

Type Material A B C D E F
No.88 Poly Carbonate 88 10 50 3 25 31
No.88B 89 10 71 3 25 31
No.88K 88 11 50 3 31 37
No.120 120 10 54 4 30 38
No.120K 120 11 64 4 30 38
  • Size explanation diagram of various spools
  • Al-2
  • No.88
  • No.88K

*Please inquire about other specifications.

Physical Characteristics (data for use with simulations) * Reference values

  Unit Gold Copper Aluminum Silver Palladium Platinum
Atomic symbol   Au Cu Al Ag Pd Pt
Atomic number   79 29 13 47 46 78
Atomic weight   196.96655 63.546 26.981538 107.8682 106.42 195.078
Crystal structure   fcc fcc fcc fcc fcc fcc
Lattice constant Å 4.0785 3.6147 4.0496 4.0862 3.8907 3.924
Melting point K 1336.15 1356.45±0.1 933.25 1233.95 1825.15 2042.15±1
Boiling point K 2983 2855 2750±50 2423±20  3150±100 4100±100
Density (20℃) g・cm-3 19.32 8.92 2.70 10.50 12.02 (22℃) 21.45
Resistivity (20℃) µΩ・cm 2.3 1.694 2.7 1.63 10.8 10.58
Heat of fusion kJ・mol-1 12.37 13.1 8.40±0.16 11±0.5 16.7 19.7
Thermal conductivity
W・m-1・K-1 315.5 397 238 425 75.2 73.4
Specific heat
J・kg-1・K--1 130 386.0 917 234 247 134.4
Coefficient of
linear expansion
x 10-6・K-1 14.1 17.0 23.5 19.1 11.0 9.0
GPa 88.3
GPa 29.6   26.0 31.3    
  0.440 0.343 0.345 0.367 0.393 0.377

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* We can also provide products that use recycled gold as raw material in accordance with customer needs.

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