Plating Processes

Precious Metal Film Formation Methods

Plating Processes

Produtct image of Plating Processes

We can suggest high-performanceplating processes.

We offer various plating processes, including those using precious metal plating solutions, for various applications from semiconductor components to decorative articles. We offer highly productive plating processes with plating characteristics appropriate for their intended use.

Gold electroplating


The superior bondability, heat resistance, and solderability of this series make them ideal for semiconductor components. Excellent thickness uniformity at a low gold concentration, enabling reduced Au consumption.


Gold electroplating process for wafer bumps. This series has excellent thickness uniformity, enabling plating with a high current density and low operation temperatures.

MICROFAB Au series

Non-cyanide Au plating for wafers. This series provides excellent properties for bump and fine pattern formation.

Gold electroplating image
Process name Application Features
PRECIOUSFAB Au 8400 Bonding pad areas Good uniform electrodeposition,
Neutral cyanide
PRECIOUSFAB Au-MLA300 Low gold concentration,
Ni elution prevention,
Neutral cyanide
PRECIOUSFAB Au-GB5 Wafers (bump) Low operation temperature,
Neutral cyanide
MICROFAB Au310 Wafers (wiring) Very fine surface roughness,
Neutral non-cyanide
MICROFAB AuFL2100 Low gold concentration,
Neutral non-cyanide
MICROFAB Au660 Wafers (bump) Low hardness, high-speed,
Neutral non-cyanide
MICROFAB Au3151 High hardness, high-speed,
Neutral non-cyanide

Gold alloy electroplating


Excellent electrical properties, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, and solderability. This series is suitable for connectors and other electronic components.


Electrolytic gold-tin alloy process. This series allows easy adjustment of alloy ratios, making it possible to adjust them according to their melting temperatures.


Electrolytic gold-silver alloy process. This series has both the corrosion resistance of gold and reflectivity of silver, making them ideal for LED components.

Gold alloy electroplating image
Process name Application
Au-Co PRECIOUSFAB HG-GVC Connectors, PWB Acidity cyanide
PRECIOUSFAB HG-ICC7 Ni barrier property,
Acidity cyanide
FINE BARRIER 7000 Ni barrier property,
Acidity cyanide
Au-Ni PRECIOUSFAB HG-GVN Connectors, PWB Acidity cyanide
PRECIOUSFAB HG-ICN100 Ni barrier property,
Acidity cyanide
Au-Sn20% PRECIOUSFAB GT1000 Alternative to coalescent Acidity cyanide
Au-Ag50% PRECIOUSFAB GS3000 Lead frames Alkali cyanide

Gold strike plating


With “Au-ST400 (Chlorine free),” stainless steel and such in particular can be plated directly in a strongly acid strike bath.


Non-cyanide type strike bath.

Process name Application Features
PRECIOUSFAB Au-ST100 General use Acidity cyanide
K-130AF Acidity cyanide, Mildew-proofing
PRECIOUSFAB Au-ST400 SUS materials Chlorine-free, Strong acidity cyanide
N-205 High gloss, Strong acidity cyanide
MICROFAB Au NX-ST Wafer Neutral non-cyanide

Electroless gold plating

IM MEISTER Au series

Excellent adhesion and solder wettability on electroless Ni plating.
“IG100” develops uniform film thickness on Pd film.


Self-reduction type thick Pb-free electroless gold plating process.


Non-cyanide electroless gold plating process applied to electrolytic and electroless Ni plating.

Electroless gold plating image
Process name Application Features
IM MEISTER Au1100S Bonding pad areas Immersion thin plating, Cyanide
IM MEISTER AuFX5 Immersion thick plating, Cyanide
IM MEISTER Au-IG100 Uniform immersion thick Pd plating,
IM FAB Au-IGS2020 Uniform thick Ni plating, immersion,
ATOMEX Ceramic parts, etc. Immersion thin plating, Cyanide
CERAGOLD 6070 Reduction thick plating, Pb-free,
SUPERMEX 250 Wafers,
general use
Immersion thin plating, Non-cyanide
SUPERMEX 850 Reduction thick plating, Non-cyanide

Silver plating

Cyanide type

Process name Application Features
Ag-10 General use Hard, High cyanide
LED BRIGHT Ag-20 LEDs and others Gloss, High cyanide
SP-4000 Lead frames Under high current density,
Low cyanide

Non-Cyanide type

Process name Application Features
PRECIOUSFAB Ag4730 Wafer Non-cyanide

Platinum group plating


The “AD series” is a palladium plating process with less ammonia odor, which is friendly to the work environment and offers excellent corrosion resistance at high temperatures.


Platinum plating process that enables thick plating with low stress and crackless.


Plating process that enables decorative plating for industrial use.

Process name Application Features
Pd PRECIOUSFAB Pd-ADP720 Lead frames
Thin-film high heat resistance
PRECIOUSFAB Pd82GVE Connectors Pd-Ni 20% alloy
PRECIOUSFAB PC200 Pd-Co 20% alloy
MICROFAB Pd750 Wafers (bump) Neutral, thick plating
Pd-LF-800S General use Strike – Thick plating
Pt PRECIOUSFAB Pt2000 Electronic
components etc
Acidity, High corrosion resistance
PRECIOUSFAB Pt-SF Alkaline, Thick platingy
Rh PRECIOUSFAB Rh200 Low stress, High hardness
PRECIOUSFAB Rh2000 High corrosion resistance
High hardness
Ru PRECIOUSFAB Ru1000 Acidity, Low Ru concentration
Ir PRECIOUSFAB Ir300 High hardness

Examples of applications (Power device modules)

Plating for bonding pad

  •   Part Metal
    Bonding Wire Al, Au, Cu, PCC, Ag
    Plating on Bonding Pad Ni/(Pd)/Au or Ag
    Bonding Pad Al, Cu
  • Diagram explaining the area where plating for bonding pad is used

We offer optimal plating conditions with excellent bondability for various combinations of bonding wires and bonding pads.

Ni/Au plating (Ni thickness 5um / Au thickness 0.05um)

Φ50um pad

  • Ni/Au plating - Φ50um pad: surface SEM image
  • Ni/Au plating - Φ50um pad: cross-section SEM image

Ni/Pd/Au plating (Ni thickness 5um / Pd thickness 0.1um / Au thickness 0.05um)

□100um pad

  • Ni/Pd/Au plating - □100um pad: surface SEM image
  • Ni/Pd/Au plating - □100um pad: cross-section SEM image
  • Limit corrosion and diffusion of Ni plating through the use of Pd plating
  • Offer a comprehensive set of optimal processes, from the pretreatment conditions to the Au plating process

Rear-side electrodes for ohmic contacts

  • Diagram explaining the area where MICROFAB ELN520 is used and its cross section

MICROFAB ELN520 – Plating process for ohmic contact on back of Si in vertical devices

  • For Si backside ohmic contact of vertical devices including diodes
  • Nickel silicide alloy layer is formed by sintering after directly electroless Ni plating to back side of Si.

Process for formation on back side of Si

  Process Product Name
1 Pretreatment  – 
2 Catalytic activation  – 
3 Electroless Nickel plating MICROFAB ELN520
4 Drying, Sintering  – 
5 Electroless Gold plating IM FAB Au-IGS4200
  • Ni deposit has low stress, possible to suppress wafer warpage after plating.
  • By electroless Au plating on Ni, the die attach bondability is good.

Metalized layers such as lead frames, copper clips, and PCBs

  • Diagram explaining the area where plating processes for Pd-PPF is used and its cross section

TANAKA’s Pd plated coating has excellent barrier performance and can be expected to improve heat resistance property as a thin film.

Plating Processes for Pd-PPF
*…Palladium Pre-Plated Frame

Electrolytic Ni GALVANOMEISTER Ni100
Electrolytic Pd PRECIOUSFAB Pd series
Electrolytic Au POSTFLASH 100